Friday, October 19, 2012

Plenty of neo-liberal projects are not causing political and economical disorders only; they are resulting in enormous chaos and massive attack on the democratic space inspiring social disarray, said Prakash Karat, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the occasion of the 93rd foundation day of the party. The Kolkata District Committee of the party had organised a discussion program at the Pramod Dasgupta Bhavan in Kolkata. He said that attacks on the female citizens are on all time high throughout India; it is not the distress of law and order only, it has its roots deep beneath the social frenzy caused by the neo-liberal installation. Commodity logic of open market economy is showing its dual destructive impact by seizing popular democratic rights and on the other hand it is re-aspiring medieval conservatism.

CPI(M) would set forth for organizing Protest Day all over the country on 30th of October 2012 on the issue of growing number of crime and attacks on women demanding social security for them. Karat uttering on this program said, wherever be the democratic space of the people get breached by the neo-liberal installations, communist party would be there to protest and demand for roll-back of anti-people projects and insist on 

baring the hands of neo-liberalism.

Karat reminded the party members that communists are sworn to intensify the continuous struggle against imperialism and now it is their responsibility to defend independence and sovereignty of this country from the fraudulent attacks of finance capital. The Left Front Government was the prime apparatus of the communists to ban crime against female citizens in this state for a long time. But now with the TMC Government in power, female citizens are experiencing unprecedented attack. The first female CM of the state astonished us all by not taking any stern stapes to curb those crime rather she is all busy with cover up acts that tends to defend the miscreants.

Commenting on allowing FDI in Retail trade in India he said that the Government has done serious mistake by bypassing the parliament. He said that this sort of serious issues must have to be discussed in the parliament and then decided. Government must call upon for ballots in parliament on this issue to check what the mass representatives of that house are thinking. He discussed all the cons of this policy and how it is going to affect the livelihood of the Indians. He also raised the issue of epidemic of corruption by discussing coal block scam and discrepancy surfaced on Robert Bhadra’s land and many other, he opined that in every sort of scams and discrepancies the collaborations of ministers and big corporate and bureaucrats. Someone cannot turn to be corrupted overnight; it is the effect of intensification of capital as a whole. The state is intervening to serve for the growth of profit for the bourgeoisie. Where corporations like Wal-Marts are in the scene to occupy the market, how could one expect national sovereignty and independence to dwell in this society?

Monday, October 1, 2012

1.10.2012న కావలిలో ప్రజాశక్తి సాహితీసంస్థ అద్వర్యంలో కావలి మాస్టర్స్ స్కూల్ లో జరిగిన రౌండ్ టేబుల్ సమావేశంలో మాట్లాడుతున్న వక్తలు